Enzo Borsellino: Inediti di Gregorio Guglielmi a Napoli (Estratto dal fasc. 118)


Two unpublished paintings of Gregorio Guglielmi in Naples

Two Stories of Aeneas (‘Aeneas and Dido Departing for the Hunt’ and ‘Aeneas Taking His Leave from Dido’) by Gregorio Guglielmi, reported by a German source of 1770, had been considered lost following the transformation of the building for which they were painted, the Palazzo Reale in Naples.
An examination of the inventories and storerooms of the Soprintendenza Speciale per il Polo Museale di Napoli has permitted their identification. Preparatory drawings for the two paintings on canvas, in which some variants may be noted, also survive. The paintings can be dated to 1752, the only year in which Guglielmi is securely documented in Naples.